Production & delivery times

Jewellery from TOJOMI is made individually and is not mass-produced from the Far East! Every order, except for items such as B. Chains that we do not make ourselves are made for each customer in the appropriate size and configuration,

Due to the many models, sizes and configurations, as well as for ecological and economic reasons, we produce your piece of jewelry from the moment you place your order. After production, the pieces of jewelery are shipped after around 15 - 20 working days, depending on the finish.

From the 3D data of the desired model, a wax model in the desired size is created using the 3D printing process once the order is placed. This is done with state-of-the-art 3D printers (stereolithography) that can reproduce the finest details. Many of our models could only be realized with great difficulty or not at all using conventional methods. These wax models are then attached to a so-called casting tree along with other models with wax sprues. This "tree" is placed in a casting plunger, which is filled with a special casting cement. After complete hardening, the wax is completely burned out under high heat. This creates the cavities into which the highly heated liquid precious metal such as silver, gold, bronze, etc. is poured and fills the cavities. The parts are then cooled, removed from the tree, and trimmed. After that, further post-processing can take place, e.g. B. High-gloss polishing, sandblasting, brushing or patination of lower-lying surfaces and polishing of higher-lying surfaces (antique look).